Vacation Gourmet Part One
We're on vacation at the DE shore this week, doing some much needed R&R, which typically includes considerable amount of culinary therapy.
Tonight, we've planned a 5-course meal to enjoy al fresca at la casa familia de la playa. First up:
Scallops sauteed in butter with a white wine and garlic sauce.
This fine French white - we believe from the muscadet varietal, pairs excellently with the seawater delicacy of these locally harvested scallops. Seared gently in butter, and finished with a pinch of garlic powder and 1/4 cup of the Malvoisie, the scallops just melt on the tongue, while a sip of the wine provides a subtle lemon edge. The overall effect is of plentiful citrus groves kissed by fresh ocean air, all on one tiny plate.